Domain registration Kiribati
The official domain extension for Kiribati is .KI.
Registering this domain extension is recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Kiribati or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Kiribati is an island parliamentary republic in Oceania, located in the West Pacific Ocean. It is made up of 32 atolls and 1 raised coral island (of which only 21 are inhabited), divided into three island groups: the Gilbert Islands, the Phoenix Islands and the Line Islands.
The country covers a total area of 807.81 km², straddling the equator, and the population, comprising mainly Micronesians and Polynesians, numbers 103,058. The capital, located on the island of the same name, is Tarawa; the official languages are English and Gilbertese, an Oceanic language. Since the exhaustion of the country’s phosphate deposits in 1979, the main economic activities have been copra exports and fishing. Tourism has also come to play a significant role.
The local currency is the Australian Dollar.
Domain registration American Samoa
The official domain extension for American Samoa is .AS.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in American Samoa or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
American Samoa is a group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, south east of Samoa. It is an unincorporated territory of the United States, led by an elected Governor, with a Senate of 18 members and a 21-member House of Representatives.
The five main volcanic islands cover a total area of 200 km²; the capital, Pago Pago, is located on the largest of these, Tutuila.
In 2009, the population numbered 65,628. The official languages are English and Samoan; the local currency is the US Dollar. The local economy is based on agricultural and fish products (in particular, tinned tuna), as well as limited tourism.
Domain registration Syria
The official domain extension for Syria is .SY.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Syria or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Syria, officially the Syrian Arab Republic, is a presidential republic in Western Asia. It is bordered to the north by Turkey, to the south by Jordan, to the west by Lebanon and to the south west by Israel. It has 160 km of western coastline along the Mediterranean Sea. It is divided into 14 provinces.
Syria covers a total area of 186,475 km² with distinct geographical areas: the narrow coastal plain along the Mediterranean; the Eastern Plateau leading from the coastal plains in towards the hinterland; and the lowland valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates.
The population numbers 22,530,746 and is made up mainly of Arabs, with various minority groups; Arabic is the official language. The capital is Damascus, a city of great historical importance.
Oil reserves and tourism are the country’s biggest economic resources; the local currency is the Syrian Pound.
Domain registration Pakistan
The official domain extension for Pakistan is .PK.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Pakistan or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Pakistan, offically the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is bordered to the south west by Iran, to the west by Afghanistan, to the north by China and to the east by India. It has coastline on the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. It is divided into 4 provinces, 2 territories and 107 districts.
Pakistan covers a total area of 803,940 km² and has a population of 177,593,383. The landscape includes the vast, central Indus River plain, whilst the northern and western areas are mountainous, home to some of the world’s tallest mountains, such as K2. The capital is Islamabad and the local currency is the Pakistani Rupee. The country’s economy is based on the production of rice, sugar cane and cotton, of which it is the world’s fourth largest producer; however, the majority of these resources are destined for domestic consumption. It is also one of the biggest producers and manufacturers of leather and leather goods. The official languages are English and Urdu.
Domain registration Albania
The official domain extension for Albania is .AL.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Albania or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Albania is governed by a parliamentary republic and is located in Southern Europe, in the south western part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered to the north by Montenegro, to the east by Kosovo and Macedonia, to the south east and south by Greece; to the west is the Adriatic Sea. It is a member of the EU, NATO and OECD, and is subdivided administratively into 12 prefectures and 36 districts. The capital is Tirana, the financial hub of the country.
It covers a total area of 28,748 km², land made up mostly of mountain ranges (the Albanian Alps from the north east to south west and other ranges in the central eastern area, with the valleys of the Shkumbin and Black Drin rivers in between); the few Albanian plains are nearly all concentrated along the coastline. The population of 3,204,284 is almost exclusively of Albanian ethnicity and language (except for a small minority of Greeks and Kosovans). The Albanian currency is the Lek.
Since the Fall of Communism, Albania’s economy has gradually moved towards a free market and, thanks to foreign investment, the country’s infrastructures have seen vast improvements.
The principal resources of the country’s economy are agriculture (cereals, sugar beet, grape vines and olives), industries in extraction and refinery, and tourism (in expansion).
Domain registration Benin
The official domain extension for Benin is.BJ.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Benin or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Benin, officially the Republic of Benin, is a presidential republic located in West Africa. It sits on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is bordered to the west by Togo, to the east by Nigeria and to the north by Burkina Faso and Niger. It is divided administratively into 12 departments and 77 communes.
It covers a total area of 112,620 km² and can be divided into 4 geographically distinct regions: the swampy coastal plain, which is almost at sea-level; the high ground in the south of Benin, reaching a maximum of 200 m; the plains surrounding the cities of Nikki and Save, dotted with rocky hills of up to 400 m; and the mountainous borderland in the north west, whose highest peak is Mont Sokbaro, at 658 m. The population of 8,849,892 (2012) is made up of more than 40 ethnic groups.
Domain registration Botswana
The official domain extension for Botswana is .BW.
Currently, it is not possible to register domain names with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Botswana, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other official extensions.
Botswana, officially the Republic of Botswana, is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa. It is bordered to the south by South Africa, to the west by Namibia, to the north by Zambia and to the north west by Zimbabwe. It is divided administratively into 9 districts and 28 sub-districts.
Botswana covers a total area of 581,726 km², with a population of 2,029,307, according to 2010 estimates.The landscape is mostly flat, though characterised by areas of high ground of up to 1,000 m; the Kalahari desert occupies more than half of the country.
The capital is Gaborone and the local currency is the Pula. Botswana’s lands are rich with diamonds, and the local economy depends almost entirely on the mining of these precious stones. No agricultural industry has ever been developed, due to the scarcity of fertile land fit for cultivation; though cotton is exported in quite large quantities. The official languages are English and Tswana.
Domain registration Libya
The official domain extension for Libya is .LY.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Libya or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Libya, officially the State of Libya, is a country in North Africa. It lies on the Mediterranean Sea and is bordered to the north west by Tunisia, to the west by Algeria, to the south by Niger and Chad, to the south east by Sudan and to the east by Egypt.
It covers a total area of 1,759,840 km² and has a population numbering 6,120,585, according to 2008 estimates. The country’s landscape is predominantly flat, with the exception of the Cirenaica region and the inland Tibesti Mountains; sandy deserts stretch across the southern areas; the low-lying east coast is contrasted by the west coast’s high cliffs and deep inlets. The capital is Tripoli and the local currency is the Libyan Dinar.
Libya‘s economy is based on its petroleum reserves; both extraction and export and oil-related industrial activities.
The official language is Arabic.
Domain registration South Africa
The official domain extension for South Africa is CO.ZA.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in South Africa or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa, is a parliamentary republic in Southern Africa. It is bordered by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe to the north, and Mozambique and Swaziland to the north east; the rest of the country lies on the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It is divided into 9 administrative provinces.
It covers a total area of 1,219,090 km² and has a population of 50,132,817. The country’s landscape consists mainly of plateaus, with the exception of the Lowveld alluvial plain, the semi-desert basins of the Great and Little Karoo, and the Kalahari Desert, this last territory being shared with Namibia. It has 3 capitals, though only Pretoria is recognised internationally, being the seat of government. The local currency is the Rand. The South African economy is based mainly on mining (gold, iron, platinum, diamonds, chrome, coal) and related processing industries.
South Africa is also one of the world’s biggest sheep wool producers.
There are 11 official languages, of which the most widely spoken are Afrikaans and English.
Domain registration Sudan
The official extension for Sudan is .SD.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Sudan or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Sudan, officially the Republic of Sudan, is a federal presidential republic in North Africa, and is the largest country on the African continent. It is bordered to the north by Egypt, to the east by Eritrea and Ethiopia, to the west by Chad, to the south west by the Central African Republic, to the south by South Sudan, and to the north west by Libya; to the north east, it has coastline on the Red Sea. It is divided into 17 regions.
The Republic of Sudan covers a total area of 1,886,068 km² and has a population of 30,894,000, according to 2010 estimates. The Sudanese landscape is predominantly flat, though it is nonetheless varied, with areas of swamps, savannah and desert. The River Nile runs for the whole length of the country. The capital is Khartoum and the local currency is the Sudanese Pound. The country’s main economic activity is agriculture, practised, for the most part, on the fertile land surrounding the River Nile.
The biggest exports are in cotton, sugar cane and peanuts. Oil extraction and livestock farming are also notable economic resources.
The official languages are Arabic and English.